For Organising a Large Group Meditation/Prayer
Register your group name, location and estimated number of participants on the website: www.worldwidemeditation.com.au
Print off individual registration slips so that the names of those participating can be entered into the computer after the event in order for them to organise subscription to the FREE Environmental Newsletter.
Organise event/liability insurance if you are providing this meditation/prayer to the general public.
Check the specified date and time for your country/time zone on this website: www.worldwidemeditation.com.au
Print advertising posters from this website: www.worldwidemeditation.com.au
Organise a venue for the meditation/prayer. May we suggest an outside park, where individuals meditating or praying can sit close to the Earth on a cushion, blanket or chair, but only if the weather and individual health permit. Have a planned venue organised in case of inclement weather or if wheel chair access is required.
Ensure that any costs can be recouped by participant’s donations or covered by you as this meditation is organised on a voluntary basis all over the world and therefore the scale of this activity is prohibitive to claiming costs from Earth Healing Meditation All Over the World.
Organise fresh water for people to drink or ask them to bring water with them, or allow for both circumstances.
Australian Council Event Guidelines recommend for mixed gender patrons: Seven toilets, 2 urinals and 4 hand basins per 500 people. (Check with an Events Manager for more detailed information relating to the number of toilets required for each gender).
If a large number of people are attending, organise for First Aid to be available.
Fill in the details in the blank spaces of the poster for the time and place and donation and what they need to bring eg. sunscreen and a hat if hot or a blanket to wrap around them if cold and a cushion or chair to sit on during the meditation/prayer. If they choose, they may also like to donate a small plate of food that will not spoil, to share with others after the meditation/prayer.
Ensure that food can be stored safely or refrigerated to prevent spoilage during the meditation/prayer.
For every 20 people participating, allow 30 minutes registration time and have 3 work stations to collect donations as individuals enter (if a donation is required) and have desk/table space for individuals to write down their name and address for registration purposes. This allows administration time of approximately five minutes per person, before they seat themselves comfortably for the meditation/prayer.
Ensure that the time written on the poster for the meditation/prayer lists both a registration start time and also a meditation/prayer start time.